Each of our creations provides complete information you see on our site (for the specific collection) to assist you in beginning to work with your Daughters of Isis creation. As new items appear, we will update the information in a timely manner.
Do you have any questions? We are happy to answer them! Call us toll free: 866-DOI-OILS (364-6457) Monday - Saturday 10am to 6pm Eastern. Or call our business number 646-202-1889.
Feng Shui Elements ASCENDED MASTERS Oils Bayou St. John Mist - 4oz Divination Oil! FLOWER ESSENCE FORMULAS Green Man Mist 4oz Kutumi Mist - 4oz SENSUAL EGYPT Oils SOAPS Solar Axis Essence - The Sun THE GODDESS Oils Whale Medicine Mist 4oz Wolf Medicine Mist 4oz “Forgiveness” Recoverié Oil"Box's""Buddha" or Gods Bag$ & The Dragon's Blood$ 7 day candle$ Money bath truffle$ Money Tealight$ Prosperity Box $$$$Money Soap$Money$ Incense$Money$ Mist - 4oz spray$MONEY$ Oil - 5ml*Feng Shui* Balance Box11 oz mister - sprays1/2 Hex Balm spray1/2 oz Crossroad Circle spray1/2 oz Essence of Salt spray1/2 oz Parting the Veil spray1/2 oz SuperNaturals sprays1/2 oz White Light spray1/2oz Dream Mastery spray1/2oz Old Magic spray1/2oz Psycho Pomps spray1/2oz RoseCross spray1/2oz WortCunning spray10 Chakras perfumes10th Chakra Oil11th Chakra Oil12 RECOVERIE' OILS 12th Chakra Oil1oz sized Mists for Kids - $14.452 oz Misters - Sprays2ml bag of Elements - Meditations with Nature2oz sized Mist for Kids! - $19.453 AM3 AM 10ml3rd Eye & Self Luminal Quantum Essence5 Finger Grass Oil5 PACS of OILS Specials. 5ml - Hurricane perfume5ml Wort Cunning collection7 Major Chakra blends Special $49.99 9th Chakra OilA Lake BreezeA LIME - CitrusA Sunny Forest - mist for Children. - 4ozA Sunny Forest mist for Kids ! - 1ozA Sunny Forest mist for Kids ! - 2ozA time to “Surrender” Recoverié OilA Vision of Healing - Indigenous & Animal Medicinea walking Lion - inner Gratitude mista walking Lion - inner Gratitude oilA walking Lion: inner Gratitude Mist 4ozAbove Us is Within Us - SpiritAbraMelin Oil - 5mlAbysmal Depth.... the fragrance of Water Adama Oil Adamite crystal from Stone Art Traders! Addimu Sweet Oil!Aegirine Essence *the Spellcaster*Africa Mist - 4ozAggayuAgweAgwe - Building EssenceAhau Can EssenceAHAU Oil - 5ml - I recognize the Divine within me!AKBAL Oil - 5ml - There is a unique Mystery within everything for me to Discover and Learn byAlaskaALASKAAlder OilAlgizAlign Above to Opportunities Below - SATURNIAN FOCUS & blendsAlign Above to the Opportunities Below > Venusian Response & blendsAlignment 2012 Mist - 4ozAll Hallows Eve - perfumeAll Souls perfumeAllah Gobi OilAlligator - Patience & Subtlety MedicineAlligator Medicine OilAloha Oil - 5mlAlonqua ~ the eyes of the Universe. Alta ChakraAltar oil & Madame Mugwort incenseAltar Oil - 5ml Amakua Oil - 5mlAMBER - Presence of SelfAmber perfumeAncestor "Medicine" bags!And Harm None Oil - 5mlAngelic Light 7 day candle Angelic Watchtowers pacAnhydrite "Psychism Awakener" EssenceAnimal Medicine Guidance - Perfume With PurposeAnimal Medicine OILSANIMAL MEDICINE OILS & Flower EssencesANPU - AnubisAnsuz Ant Can Do! Medicine 2oz mistANT MEDICINE OIL Anu (Anna) oil Anubis Mist - 4ozAnubis Mist 4ozAnubis Oil - 5mlApache Tear elixirAphrodite Oil - 5mlApple OilAquamarine "open flow" EssenceAquarius 4oz mistAquarius Oil - 5mlAradia oilArawn Oil - 5ml Archangel Anael oil Archangel Ariel OilArchangel Azrael oilArchangel Cassiel oil Archangel Chamuel OilArchAngel Gabriel 4oz mistArchangel Gabriel OilArchangel Haniel OilArchangel Jeremiel oilArchangel Jophiel OilArchangel Metatron Oil Archangel Michael Mist - 4ozArchangel Michael OilArchangel Michael TealightArchangel Raguel OilArchAngel Raphael 4oz mistArchangel Raphael OilArchangel Raziel OilArchangel Remiel OilArchangel Samael OilArchangel Sandolphon Oil Archangel Saraqael oilArchAngel Uriel 4oz mistArchangel Uriel OilArchangelic Light 14 day candle Archangelic Watchtowers pacArddu oilAres Oil - 5mlArgante Aries Oil - 5mlAromachology! Oakmoss absolute Aromatic Detox! body... mind... Spirit...Ars Goetia 4ozArtemis Mist - 4ozArtemis Oil - 5mlArtemisia - The Goddess in NatureArtemisia perfumeAscended Protection! Ash Tree OilAstral Initiator Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mistAthene Oil - 5mlAUSAR - OsirisAUSET - IsisAutumn - Samhain Perfume With PurposeAvacado Flower EssenceAvalon PinkAvalonite and Spirit Quartz "ancestor journey" EssenceAwakening Spirit Oil: A loving fragrance…AWAKENING TO YOUR COSMIC PRESENCE: Nut Oil - 5mlAyizan Ayizan - Sight EssenceAYURVEDA - THE CHAKRA OILSAYURVEDIC: QUANTUM LIGHTBODY ESSENCE FORMULASAzurite "ultimate Seer" EssenceAzurite gem elixirBaba Jaga Oil - 5mlBabaji Oil Babalu Aye! Back to the BeachBadger - Determination Medicine OilBadger Medicine OilBAHAMA BLUEBahama Blue Balance Mist - 4ozBalance TealightBalder Oil - 5ml Bali Hai Mist - 4ozBali Hai Oil - 5ml - Concept of Heaven on Earth / Land & SkyBalm of Gilead Oil - 5mlBalsam Fir - Invitation to FreedomBALSAM SUNBaphomet 4oz Baphomet oil Baron Semidi - 5mlBase Chakra Oil - 5mlBAST - BastetBast Oil - 5mlBat - Rebirthing Medicine OilBat Medicne OilBath TrufflesBATHING SALTS - Heal Your Body !Bawon Semidi OilBayou St John & PsychicBayou St. John incesne powderBayou St. John Oil!Bayou St. John soapBeach Picnic - mist for Children. - 4ozBeach Picnic mist for Kids ! - 1ozBeach Picnic mist for Kids! - 2ozBear - Wisdom Medicine 2oz mistBear Medicine OilBEAR MEDICINE OILBear Medicine Oil - 5mlBEAUTY, RECREATION, PLEASURE & PLAY: Bast Oil - 5mlBeaver - Dream Building Medicine OilBee - Lifeforce Medicine Bee - Lifeforce Medicine 2oz mistBEE MEDICINE OILBee Medicine OilBELTANE - HAWTHORN flowerBeltane Essence - Igniting the Personal Fire Within formulaBEN Oil - 5ml -I know why what is Above, is So, Below.BerkananBetween Worlds butterBimini Oil - 5ml - Primary / healing water resources / dowsingBinah Oil - 5mlBirch OilBlack Amber bath truffleBlack Cat Bone OilBlack Heart oil Black LeatherBlack MagiBlack Moon Lilith Black Moon Lilith - 7 day Candle for August Black Pepper essential oiBlack Sage & Thieves Oil soap with Thieves Oil package. Black Sage & Thieves oil spray. Black Star Sapphire & Strawberry Quartz PRIMARY CRISIS EssenceBlackThornBlackThorn 10mlBlending Tips to compliment your personal astrological chart!Blood Moon Eclipse mistBLOSSOM - CitrusBlue God oil Blue KachinaBLUE TANSY - CitrusBluebell flower essenceBodhisattva - The Tara'sBoji Stone EssenceBold TobaccoBold TobaccoBosou - Luck~! EssenceBox 1 Goodies Bright Lemony Day ! - 1ozBright Lemony Day ! - 4ozBright Lemony Day kids mist - 2ozBrigid Oil - 5mlBroom Oil - 5mlBruja Smoke Bubble BarsBuddha Oil - 5mlBuffalo Medicine Oil - 5mlBurukuBuruku oilButterfly - Medicines of Change 2oz mistCABAN Oil - 5ml - “I am another Yourself”.Cabaret Oil: A clubbing affair of fragrance…Caireen - Little Girl Found 7 day candleCalling the Ancestors Oil - 5mlCalming & Soothing Rune OilCancer Oil - 5mlCANDLES Cansasa - Red WillowCanyon De Chelly Oil - 5ml - Template of Visions & Dreaming – Third Eye Chakra VortexCapricorn Oil - 5mlCardinal - Self Recognition Medicine OilCat - Curiosity & Independence Medicine 2oz mistCat Medicine OilCat Medicine OilCAT MEDICINE OIL CAUAC Oil - 5ml - I will step into the Light.Causal Activator Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist Cedar - Whispers from AboveCelestial Nile EssencesCEREMONIAL - TREE OF LIFE Sensual Alchemy OilsCeremonial Offerings Ceremonial Offerings - Elemental Kit smallCerridwen Oil - 5mlChakra Ancestor BagChakra HEALER'S GUIDE: THE BODYChakra HEALER'S GUIDE: THE MINDCHAKRA OILS 5 PACChakras 2012 Oils chance mysterieuse de l'mour (parfume)Chango Chango Oil - 5mlCharoite and Sugalite "astral defender" EssenceChen - Hexagram of Thunder / Northeast OilCherry Blossom Flower EssenceChesed Oil - 5mlCHICCHAN Oil - 5ml - Sensuality is the Bridge between the world I Touch and the world I Intuit.Chikin - winds above me: The AcuntunCHILDREN'S AROMATHERAPYCHILDREN'S MAGICAL SPRAYSChinese 5 Elements conesChironic Bridge Essence - ChironChokmah Oil - 5mlChoose A God! Choose any 3 & we'll send you 5!Christ-ed Chakra - Christ ConsciousnessCHUEN Oil - 5ml - I’m ready for my medicine !ChuhukonCh’ien - Hexagram of the Heaven Father / South OilCIB Oil - 5ml I seek my Ancestors for a New Wisdom.CIMI Oil - 5ml - Change is my Only Constant.Circe Circe oil Cleopatra Oil - 5mlCloser To Home pacCloser To Home sample setCloser to Home: Perfume With PurposeCOLORS - our merging ChakrasComplete Chakras 2012 collectionComplete Floral Seasons roll on setComplete sets of Quantum Lightbody Essences & Chakra oilsComplete Thieves PacComte St. Germain Mist - 4ozCosmic Kundalini EssenceCOSMIC PRINCIPLE OF BALANCE: Ma'at Oil - 5mlCourage Rune OilCovid Astro Rescue PacCovid Relief pacCoyote - Hayokah Laughing Medicine 2oz mistCOYOTE MEDICINE OIL Coyote Medicine Oil - 5mlCrab Apple flower essenceCREATIVE POSSIBILITIES & SPIRITUAL PURPOSE: Hathor - Het Hert Oil - 5mlCRONE SMOKECROP CIRCLE *research* GEOMETRIC ESSENCESCrossroads Circle Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist - pls indicate your choice in notes for orderCrossroads Circle spray Crown Chakra OilCRYSTAL & GEMSTONE ESSENCESCrystalline Aligning Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist DagazDagda oilDaily Scent Sense > for January!Danburite & Black Kayanite "archAngel" EssenceDancing Waters Oil - 5mlDancing Waters Oil - 5mlDanu oilDark of the Moon Daughters of Isis - YaYa Queen's PSYCHIC oil in a roll on! Daughters of Isis wins 2014 Lake Worth Best Business for Fragrances & Homeopathy award!Deadly Nightshade Oil - 5mlDeath Oil - 5mlDeer - My Gentle Heart Medicine 2oz mistDeer MedicineDEER MEDICINE OIL Delphi Oil - 5ml - Template of Expressions – Throat Chakra VortexDemeter Oil - 5mlDENSE TROPICALDense Tropical Desert Flower - SandsDESERT SAND & ROSEDESIGNING YOUR LIFE Ptah oilDEVELOPMENT OF INNER WISDOM & OUTER GUIDANCE: Thoth - Tehuti Oil - 5mlDevil's Shoestring Oil - 5mlDibolique! Oil (Love philtre) 5mlDionysus Oil - 5mlDittany of Crete Oil - 5mlDIVINE THE SEASON! pacDJWHAL KHUL OilDNA Circle Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist - pls indicate your choice in notes for orderDog - Forever & Always Medicine OilDOI Thieves Oil blend.Dolphin - Multidimensional Medicine 2oz mistDolphin Medicine MistDOLPHIN MEDICINE OILDouble John incense powder Double John Oil!Dove - Medicine of Hope OilDove's Soul OilDown BelowDown Below 1oz LTDDragon - Psychic Courage & Fortitude Medicine 2oz mistDragon / Celtic Ancestor BagDragon MedicineDragon Medicine OilDRAGON MEDICINE OIL Dragon Mist - 4ozDragon Mist 4oz Dragon Veins Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist - pls indicate your choice in notes for orderDragon WaterDragonfliesDragonflies 10mlDragonfly - Awakening the Storyteller Spirit OilDragonfly Medicine OilDRAGONFLY MEDICINE OIL DragonLines Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist - pls indicate your choice in notes for orderDREAM JOURNEYWORK Dream Lodge Medicine BagDream Lodge Oil - 5mlDream Mastery sprayDream SalveDreaming Oil!Dreaming with Pachamama!DreamLines Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist - pls indicate your choice in notes for orderDuring this time of Shifting. The extras we are sending to You.Eagle - True Heart Medicine 2oz mistEagle Medicine Oil - 5mlEarth Chakra Oil - 5mlEarth Dragon - 4ozEarth Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist - pls indicate your choice in notes for orderEarth Mother Love package! Earthly Invocations (parfume)Earthly Invocations - EarthEast of the Sun perfume Eau de fraiche' - WATERS cologne EB Oil - 5ml - The Unknown will Fill all of my empty places.Egungun oil Egypt mist pac 1oz EhwazEihwazEl Morya OilEl Moyra mist 4ozElder OilElder Oil - 5mlElemental AromaticsElephant - Past Life MedicineElephant Medicine OilELEPHANT MEDICINE OIL Elijah Oil - 5mlEMBRACING HOME, YOUR CONNECTION TO EARTH: Shu Oil - 5mlEmpathyEmpowered Perfume twinsEnoch - Elijah & Metatron - Sandolphon Special Enoch Oil -5mlErzuli Erzulie - Love Essence!Essence of SALT sprayESSENTIAL OIL COLLECTIONSESSENTIAL OIL MISTS - SPRAYSEssential OilsETERNAL PRINCIPLE OF TRANSFORMATION: Ra - Re Oil - 5mlEtheric Initiator Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mistETHERS OF MOTHER - GAIAN PERFUMES PacETZNAB Oil - 5ml - I am absolutely Responsible for Myself!Evening Queen OilEvergreen 50 hour candle Evergreen Mist Evil Eye Oil -5ml Evil Eye TealightEvolving Gaia - Grounding Essence EXPLORATION OF LIFE'S MYSTERIES: Anubis - Anpu Oil - 5mlEXTRAS: TeaLights, Medicine bags & more.FAERY (Feri) OILSFaery Men oil Special Faery Women oil Special Fall Special Medicine 4False Face Medicine - 10ml dropper bottle Fast Money Oil!FehuFeng Shui Elemental Essences ( 5 Element formulas )FENG SHUI ESSENCE FORMULASFire Essence -10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist - pls indicate your choice in notes for orderFire on the Mountain - FireFireDrake Mist - 4ozFirey Wall of Protection OilFLASH SALE 4oz Money mist! Florida Waters & It's All CherryFlorida Waters Mist 4ozFlorida Waters soapFlower / Vibrational / Environmental EssencesFlower of Life Circle Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist - pls indicate your choice in notes for orderFlying Butter flying Dragon - flowing Prayer mistFlying Dragon - flowing Prayer Mist 4ozflying Dragon - flowing Prayer oilFlying Ointment~!Forest FloorFORREST FLOORFortune Teller Oil - 5mlFour Forces Oil - 5mlFrankincense Oil - 5mlFreya Oil - 5mlFrog - Rain Maker Medicine OilFrog Medicine OilFull MoonFull Moon 50 hour candleFUTURE, REGENERATION, CLARITY OF VISION: Heru - Horus the Elder Oil - 5mlGaia Mother Earth Essence - EARTHGaia Oil - 5mlGaia Project Essence formulasGaia's Breath - AIRGAIA.PROJECT - Shamanic tools for celebrating with GaiaGAIAN PERFUMES W/ PURPOSE - ETHERS OF MOTHERGalangal (Low John) Oil - 5mlGanesh Oil - 5mlGanesha 1/2oz essential oil roll on Ganesha Mist 4ozGaruda within - compassion Passion Garuda within - compassion Passion mistGeboGeburah Oil - 5mlGEDE (Bawon Semidi) oilGem ElixirsGem Silica & Fire Opal "care free-ing" EssenceGemini Oil - 5ml Geomancer oilGerman Chamomile essential oilGet Your Witchy On! 5 Witch Oils for the $ of 3!Ginger Essential Oil Giza Oil - 5ml - Template of Expanding Consciousness - 8th / Alta Chakra / VortexGlastonbury Oil - 5ml - Template of Gateways – Heart Chakra VortexGnome Oil - 5mlGoddess Oil Special GOING WITHIN & ENGAGING THE STRUGGLE FOR WHOLENESS: Nephthys Oil - 5mlGolden Dragon mist 4ozGood Luck Rune OilGoofer Pepper OilGorilla - Protection & Responsibility MedicineGorilla Medicine OilGorse OilGOTHIC AROMACHOLOIE'Gran Bwa - Drawing Earth EssenceGrandMother Moon Oil - 5mlGrandMother Sky Oil - 5mlGrandMother Spider Oil - 5ml Grasshopper - Medicine of Progress OilGrasshopper Medicine OilGRAY SKYGray SkyGREAT CEDARGreat CedarGREAT GODDESS MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL !GREAT GODDESS MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL! Green Cedar Mist - 4ozGreen Cedar OilGreen Cedar Oil - 5mlGreen Lavender Oil - 5mlGreen Man Incense powder Green Man OilGreen Quartz - Hedenbergite - "Healer's" EssenceGreen TaraGreen Tea & Violets WaterGreen Tea Mist - 4ozGrove oilGryphon - Gatekeeper MedicineGryphon Medicine OilGumbo Limbo Tree 4oz mistHachiman Oil - 5mlHagalazHaleakala Oil - 5ml - Template of Purifying – Solar Plexus Chakra VortexHand rolled dhoop style incense cones. LIMITED SALESHaokah Oil - 5mlHappy Home Oil - 5mlHathor OIl - 5ml Haumea Oil - 5mlHawk - Spirit Messages Medicine 2oz mistHawk Medicine OilHawk Mist 4ozHawthorn OilHawthorn Oil - 5mlHazel OilHeal Your Body! - BATHING SALTSHealing OilHeart Chakra help with a side of Meditation! Heart Chakra Mist - 4ozHeart Chakra OilHEART OF HEAVEN, ENDURING & UNCONDITIONAL LOVE: Isis - Ausset Oil - 5mlHeart of the Woods HEARTWOODHeartwoodHeather OilHecate - 7 day candleHecate Oil - 5mlHecate's Cavern Hecate's Cavern Heimdall Oil - 5ml hej da - Sweden Henbane Oil - 5mlHera Oil - 5ml Herbal & Seasonal Enchantments BoxHere I Am - "rescue remedy" mist for Children. - 4ozHere I Am mist for Kids (Rescue Remedy) - 2oz Here I Am~! mist for Kids - 1ozHermes Oil - 5mlHermetic Rose - Burning LeavesHerne Oil - 5mlHerne Oil - 5mlHeron - Peaceful Vigilance Medicine 2oz mistHeron Medicine OilHERU - HorusHeru - Horus Oil - 5mlHET HERT / HathorHEX Balm 50 hour candle HEX ~ balm sprayHIGH JOHN - Clarity of PurposeHigh John Essence - Self Authority formulaHigh John perfumeHigh John the Conqueror Oil - 5mlHigh John the Conqueror SoapHigher Chakras - 8th Alta Chakra OilHilarion Oilhinode - JapanHod Oil - 5mlHoliday - Choose 6 Oil Blends Box Holiday Faery Oil FLASH Sale! 12-15HOLIDAY FLASH SALE Medicine Oils 12-11 thru 12-15 Holiday Orisha Oil FLASH Sale! 12-15Holiday Witch Oil FLASH Sale! 12-15Holly OilHolonomic Interface Essence - RESCUE Remedy - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist Holy Basil perfumeHome Mist - 4ozHorned One oil Horse - Power Medicine 2oz mistHorse Medicine OilHouse Blessing - 4ozHouse Blessing 50 hour candleHouse Blessing incense powderHouse Blessing Oil - 5mlHow to apply / use your Wheel of the Year EssencesHow to apply your Kahuna Color EssencesHow to apply your Spirit MedicinesHow to use your Chakra OilsHOW TO WORK WITH YOUR MEDICINE OILSHow to work with your Stellar Sign OilsHow to work with your T'zolkin / Maya OilsHOW TO WORK WITH YOUR WITCH OILS:HuldaHummingbird - Life Affirming MedicineHUNA! Choose 4 for the $ of 3 of our Dancing Waters Polynesian collection. Hunab Ku EssenceHunab Ku Mist - 4ozHURRICANEHurricaneIbejiIguana - Freedom MedicineIguana Medicine OilIK Oil - 5ml - There is Spirit within ALL things!ikigai - JapanIMBOLC - VIOLET flowerImbolc Essence - Igniting Personal Encouragement formulaIMIX Oil - 5ml - There is a beginning to everything!In honor of WORLD GODDESS DAY - A Goddess SPECIALIN JUST ONE WORDIn Lak'ech Ala K'in In Lak'ech Mist - 4ozIncantation oilINCENSEIndigo Dragon Vision Mist - 4ozIngwazInitiaition Oil - 5mlINNER AWARENESS, INITIATION, REGENERATION: Osiris - Ausar Oil - 5mlIntroduction to Maya - Tzolkin Oils Introductory Traveler's - Astral oils SPECIAL Intuition oil Intuition oil Iron FlowerIron Flower 10mlIsaIshtar Oil - 5mlIsis - Auset mist - 4ozIsis incense powderIsis Oil - 5mlIt's All Cherry!It's All Cherry! Ivy OilIx Chel Oil - 5mlIX Oil - 5ml - Heart and Mind merge together and I have my Heartmind.Jaguar - Solitary Strength MedicineJeraJohn the RevelatorJubilant RegretJudgement Oil - 5mlJustice Oil- 5mlKabbbalah - Ancient Kingdoms of Consciousness through FragranceKahana He’enalu Oil - 5mlKAHUNA COLOR ESSENCE FORMULASKahuna Green Essence -10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist - pls indicate your choice in notes for orderKahuna He'enalu Mist - 4ozKahuna Kapua Oil - 5mlKahuna Lapa'au Mist - 4ozKahuna Lapa’au Oil - 5mlKahuna Lava Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist - pls indicate your choice in notes for orderKahuna Pule Oil - 5mlKahuna Rose Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist - pls indicate your choice in notes for orderKahuna Seas Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist - pls indicate your choice in notes for orderKahuna Skies Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist - pls indicate your choice in notes for orderKahuna Sunrise Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist - pls indicate your choice in notes for orderKahuna TwiLight Essence -10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist - pls indicate your choice in notes for orderKahuna Violet Essence - 10mlKalahari Oil - 5ml - Template of Seeding – Base Chakra VortexKali Ma Oil - 5mlKAN Oil - 5ml - There is an essential Pattern holding everything in their specific Resonance.Kanaga WaterKanaga Water 4oz mistKanaga Water OilKanaloa Oil - 5mlKananga WaterKanewhaine Oil - 5mlKarmic DreamsKen - Hexagram of the Mountain / Northwest OilKenazkensho - JapanKeter Oil - 5mlKey Deer - Inner Grace MedicineKHYPHIKhyphi 3oz large. tinKhyphi incense powder Khyphi Mist - 4ozKIDS! - introduce your children to aromatherapy! King Solomon Oil - 5mlKIVAKIVAkomorebi - JapanKrishna Oil - 5mlKu Oil - 5mlKuan Yin Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist - pls indicate your choice in notes for orderKuan Yin Mist - 4oz Kuan Yin Oil - 5mlKukulcan Oil - 5mlKukulkan Mist - 4ozKunzite "Kindness" EssenceKupua Oil - 5ml Kutumi perfumeKutumi (Kuthumi) Oil - 5mlKuxan Suum EssenceK’an - Hexagram of the Water / West OilK’un - Hexagram of the Earth / North OilLabyrinth Oil: A clarifying fragrance…Lady Elder 7 day candle Lady Nada 4oz mistLady Nada OilLady of the Lake bath truffleLady of the Lake bath truffleLady of the Lake Oil - 5mlLady Portia Oil - 5mlLadybug - Fortunate Circumstance Medicine 2oz mistLaguzLAKE BREEZELakeside MoonlightLakshimi Oil - 5mlLakshmi 1/2oz essential oil roll onLakshmi 4oz mistLAMAT Oil - 5ml - I am a Natural Shaman.Lammas pacLarimar "Goddess rising" EssenceLarimar gem elixirLavenderLe vie en Rose WatersLemongrass essential oilLeo astro oil & Aegirine Gemstone Essence Leo Oil - 5mlLG Ceremonial Offerings kitLi - Hexagram of FIRE / East OilLibra Oil - 5ml Libyan Yellow Tektite "Akashic access" EssenceLicking Flame... the fragrance of FireLight Beyond NameLightbody Awakening BoxLightning of Jupiter Essence - JupiterLikin - winds behind me Essence: The AcuntunLilith Oil - 5mlLily of the Valley Oil - 5mlLINKS to Daughters of Isis RESELLERS in your area.Lion - Strong Personal Power MedicineLiquid Neptune Essence - NeptuneLiquidAmber Oil - 5mlLITHA - SUMMER SOLSTICE - HONEYSUCKLE flowerLitha Essence - Strength & Commitment formulaLittle Brown Bag - Animal Medicine GuidanceLittle Brown Bag of Citrus perfumesLittle Brown Bag of Ethers of Gaia perfumesLittle Brown Bag of Private Moments perfumeLittle Brown Bag of Sacred Space perfumesLittle Brown Bag of Wort Cunning perfumesLittle FaeryLIVING YOGA OILSLizard - Dream Walker MedicineLizard - Dreaming MedicineLoki Oil - 5ml Lono Oil - 5mlLord Lanto Oil - 5mlLove Rune OilLTD 1 Pac LTD 1oz Holiday pack 1LTD Parfumes (limited quantities)Lucky Hand Oil - 5mlLucky in Love Oil - 5mlLucky Mojo Oil!Lugh Oil - 5mlLUGHNASADH - GLADIOLA flowerLughnasadh Essence - Capacity for personal Abundance formulaLunar Esbats Lunar Esbats complete setLunar Influence Essence - The MoonLyptus Breeze Oil -5mlMABON - DEEP BLUE ASTER flowerMabon Essence - Inner Balance formulaMachu Picchu Oil - 5ml - Template of Rebirthing – Sacral Chakra Vortex Magdelena Oil - 5mlMaha Cohan Oil - 5ml Maitreya Oil - 5ml Making your Ceremony! SPECIALMALCHIZEDEK OilMalkuth Oil - 5ml MaMaMamon Brigette Oil - 5mlMana Oil - 5mlManannan mac LIr oilManannan Mac Lir Oil - 5mlMandrake 50 hour candleMandrake Esseence - Focus for magicakal workMandrake Oil - 5mlMango flower essenceMANIK Oil - 5ml - I Penetrate the Unknown.Mannaz Mari oil Marie Laveau Oil - 5mlMarigold oilMartian Potency Essence - MarsMASTERS BOXMatrix Waters EssenceMaui Oil - 5mlMaui Oil - 5mlMaya Ancestor BagMaya Phoenix Circle Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist - pls indicate your choice in notes for orderMAYA T'zolkin OILS 5 PACMayan Copal 2oz Mayan Copal 4oz misterMedicine 4 pac mist 1ozMedicine Ceremony bubble barMedicine Ceremony incense powderMedicine Ceremony Mist - 4oz Medicine Ceremony SoapMedicine Maker - 10ml dropper bottle MEDICINE OILS 5 PACMedicine pac 4oz mist Medicine Wheel Oil - 5mlMedicine Woman bath truffleMeditate! MEDITATION WITH THE COSMOS Sothis oil.Meditations within Nature - Elements of GaiaMelusine oilMEN Oil -5ml - I am Home.Mental Initiator Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist Mephisto Oil: A fragrance to engender wealth…meraki - GreeceMercurial Flow Essence - MercuryMercury Retrograde Mercury Retrograde 7 day candleMercury Rx Candle - Special March 2019Mercury Rx RemedyMeridianal Points Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist Merkabah Circle Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist - pls indicate your choice in notes for orderMerlin Mist 4ozMerlin Oil - 5mlMerPeople - Bliss MedicineMetal Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist - pls indicate your choice in notes for orderMoldavite Moldavite "lightbody" EssenceMoney large tin 3oz Money Mist - Spray 4ozMoney Oil 1/2oz roll onMoney PomanderMoonstone & Seraphinite Essence - the Goddess InvocationMoose - Inner Self MedicineMorgan Le Fay Oil - 5mlMorning Glory fllower essenceMorning Moon 10mlMorning RideMorpheus Oil - 5mlMother Mary oilMother Mugwort Mist - 4ozMo’ike Oil - 5mlMt Meru – Angkor Wat Oil - 5ml - Template of Transcension – Crown Chakra VortexMt. Shasta OilMugwort flower essenceMugwort incense powderMugwort Oil - 5mlMugwort Soap Multiverse Chakra - (Blueprint)MULUC Oil - 5ml - I Prefer my Perception.My Earth Mother - Magickal Kid's Spray My Sky Father - Magickal Kid's SprayMy Sleeptime - mist for Children - 4ozMy Sleeptime mist for children - 1ozMy Sleeptime mist for Kids ! - 2ozMyrrh essential oilMyrrh Oil - 5mlMyrtle essential oilNadis Lightways Essence - 10ml dropper bottle Nana Bukuru NathuizNATIVE AMERICAN: SPIRIT ESSENCE FORMULASnatsukashii - JapanNature Mother MistNature Mother OilNazca Circle Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist - pls indicate your choice in notes for orderNetzach Oil - 5mlNew Bloom parfume'New Moon 50 hour candleNew Moon blendNEW__SEA GLASS 4oz misterNight Flight perfumeNightbirdsNightbirds 10mlNimue oil Nohol - winds below me: The Acuntunnoimead ghra - Gaelic / IrishOak OilOakmoss - Making HomeOakmoss perfumeObatala Oil - 5mlOberon oilOberon Oil - 5mlObject of Desire Oil - 5mlObscenityOC Oil - 5ml - I am because You are!!OchosiOctopus Medicine OilOdin soapOdin Mist 4ozOdin Oil - 5mlOf all the products I have used over the 38 years I have been a psychic life coach, never have any moved my energies the way the sprays and oils from The Daughters of Isis collections do. The trance like feeling I get from using one spray of The Dragon’s Blood mist before a reading instantly grounds me for a more accurate session with my clients. I love these products! - Devra Ann Jacobs – psychic at ShirleyMacLaine.com and readingsbydevra.comOgham - Apple TealightOGHAM OILSOGHAM Tree Oil blendings! 5 for the $ of 3!Ogou! - Power EssenceOgun Old Magic sprayOld Stone.... the fragrance of EarthOld Wild Power oilOld Wild Power perfumeOle Van Van OilOlokun oil Ongoing Flow of $$$ 7 Day candle Opal -White precious- "creativity" EssenceOPENING THE HEART & MIND Nefertum oil Opening to Divine Love EssenceOrange & Green Zincite "manifestor" EssenceOrange Petitgrain Essential OilORISHAS - LWA OILSOrula oil Oruoboros Mist - 4ozOshun 4oz mistOshun Oil - 5mlOshun perfumeOsiris - Asur 4oz mistOsiris Oil - 5mlOSTARA - Spring Equinox - JONQUIL flowerOSTARA - SPRING EQUINOX SPECIAL!Ostara Essence - Awakening your Inner Child formulaOthala Our Ancestors - Magickal Kid's SprayOur Mother in Summer 4oz mistOur Mother in Winter 4oz mistOwl - Vision through Darkness Medicine 2oz mistOwl Medicine 4oz mistOwl Medicine Mist 4oz Oya Oil - 5mlPa K'ua - I CHING OILSPalace Center Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist - pls indicate your choice in notes for orderPALO SANTO - Inner ReflectionPalo Santo Wood perfumePalo Santo WoodsPalo Santo Woods incesne powderPalo Santo Woods large tin 3ozPalo Santo Woods Mist - 4ozPalo Santo Woods soapPan Mist - 4ozPan Mist 4ozPan Oil - 5mlPanda - Balance MedicinePapa Legba Papa Legba - Authority EssencePapa Legba 4oz mistPapa LokoPapa Loko - Healing EssenceParting the Veil 4oz mistParting the Veil parfumeParting the Veil 50 hour candle Parting the Veil spray Parting The Veils 4oz mistPaul the Venetian Oil - 5mlPele Oil - 5mlPele’ Oil - 5mlPerfume with Purpose - CITRUS. Perfume With Purpose - Mystical Perfumery LTDPerfume with Purpose - Private Moments Perfume With Purpose - Sacred SpacePerfume With Purpose - Wort CunningPerfume With Purpose - Wort Cunning WitchLife & MysticalPeriwinkle flower essence Personal WitcheryPersonal Witchery - the collectionPerthPetulance Oil: A searching fragrance… Phoenix - Reawakening MedicinePINK GRAPEFRUIT - CitrusPisces Oil - 5mlPlasma Body EssencePleiadian BluePleiadian Blue Pleiadian Blue 50 hour candle Pleiadian Blue 7 day candlePluto - Aquarius - Buruku Plutonian Extremity Essence - Plutopocket full of godspocket full of gods 1oz LTD Poisoned Fruit perfumePOLYNESIA: LEMURIAN OilsPonds, Rivers, Seas - WaterPoplar OilPoseidon Oil - 5mlPranaYama Mist 4ozPranaYama oilPrayer Blend MistPrayer Blend Oil - 5ml - Remembering the SacredPrehnite Gem "ET" EssencePrivate Moments collectionPROSPER BoxProtect Rune OilProtect Thyself Oil: A bracing fragrance…Protection & Guidance - the Watchtowers / ArchAngelsProtection Package! PsychasimPsychic bath trufflePsychic Mist 4ozPsychic Oil!Psychic perfumePsychic soapPsychism oil Psycho Pomps sprayPtesan WiPure Love 1/2oz essential oil roll onPure Love bubble barPure Love Mist 4ozPure Love Oil!Pure Sweetgrass & White Sage mistPurple crocus flower essenceQUANTUM CITRUSN - CitrusQuantum Lightbody Essences "Healer Pac" Quantum Shift bubble barQuantum Shift Mist - 4ozQuantum Shift perfumeQuantum Shift SoapQuantum Shift solidQuantum Shift TeaQuantum Shift TealightRA - Amun RaRabbit - Creativity & Fertility Medicine 2oz mistRaidoRainbow "the techie" Hematite EssenceRating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating:Good Shipping Options Rating:Good Delivery Rating:Good Ease of Purchase Rating:Good Customer Service Rating:Excellent Title: Body:To products are decadent and they ignite my soul. The fragrances are vivid and electric. I love the soaps, the incense, the sprays - it's all good. Gwen has excellent customer service and I love supporting the Daughter's of Isis, because she always pops in a little gift. It's a great way of exploring new items to see if you like it. Every gift I've received, I've turned around and purchased a larger one. I recommend Daughter's of Isis to all my friends!Raven - Mysticism Medicine Raven Crossroads 4oz mistRaven Crossroads 50 hour candleRaven Crossroads oil Raven Mist 4ozReAwaken 4oz mistRebellion Oil: A strengthening fragrance!Red TaraRed WillowRed Willow Bark Red Willow perfumeReed OilReiki Healer's PacRelease Rendezvous Oil: A love potion…!reposing Tiger - inner Peace - oilreposing Tiger - inner Peace mistReposing Tiger: inner peace Mist - 4ozRequiem parfumeRhiannon 4oz mistRhiannon Oil - 5mlRitual oils & mist for Self Empowerment Ritual PotionsRitual Potions pac Road Opener OilROLL ONSROMA Magick Oils Room of SilenceRose essential - otto - absolute - attar oilsRose of Jericho bath truffleRoseCross spray Rosewood essential oilRue Oil - 5mlRune Charms & Talimans OilsRUNE OILS 5 PACSabbat incense powderSacral Chakra OilSacred Plant Ally's SPECIAL Sacred Sites Ceremony BagSACRED SITES Oils Sacred Space Sage Medicine - 10ml dropper bottle Sagittarius Oil - 5mlSalamander Oil - 5mlSalmon MedicineSAMHAIN - COSMOS flowerSamhain Essence - Crossroads Opening formulaSamhain Pac Samhain Specials - 1 PAC & 2 PACSample Pac essences & oils - MY HOME & "I"Sample Set -The WomenSananda Oil - 5mlSanat Kumara Oil - 5mlSandolphon Oil - 5mlSanta MuerteSanta Muerte oilSanta Muerte perfumeSantero 4oz mistSantero Waters Saturn - Pluto frequencies pacSaturn - White Cobra - Sky WomanSaturnian Focus Essence - SaturnScarab Beetle - Khephera-New Life MedicineSCENTUAL "Medicine" Bags Scorpio Oil -5mlScreaming Wind... the fragrance of AirSea Bird Sea Spirit (with lemongrass) soap.Sea Spirit OilSea Witch - a sea bath.Sea Witch - a sea bath.Sea Witch perfumeSeahorse - Flexability MedicineSeahorse vibrational essenceSearchSeasonal & Crossquarter day FLORALSSEKHMETSekhmet Oil - 5mlSelf Luminal Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist Sensual Egypt sampler boxSensual Egypt SPECIAL! Sensual Summer Magick SPECIAL! Sensual Tarot Allies SPECIAL Sensual, Ancient Egypt - sample setSerapis Bey Oil - 5mlSerpent Fire Kundalini OilSession with GwenSessions with the blenderSet - Animal Medicine GuidanceShadowsShaman’s Song Oil - 5mlShift Your Energies! SPECIAL! Shiva Lingam Stone EssenceShiva Oil - 5mlSHORELINEShorelineSidhe' Sidhe' oil Silver Fir OilSingle OILS *without flower essence formula*Sipapu Medicine - 10ml dropper bottle Siren - Speaking Out MedicineSirius Flow Special Sistrum SpiralsSkullcap perfumeSky WomanSnake - Primal Lifeforce Energy MedicineSolar Plexus Chakra Oil Solstice Celebrations Solstice EmbersSolstice Medicine MakingSolstices & EquinoxesSoul Star ChakraSoundClouds INFO - Essential oils, Flower - Vibrational Essences SowiluSparrowHawk / Kestrel - Mental Agility MedicineSpecial Egypt mist pac 4ozSpecial: Dragon Energy!SPECIALS OF THE MONTHSpell Cast SoapSphene "Natural Shaman" EssenceSpider - Weaving Medicine 2oz mistSpider Woman Oil - 5mlSpirit Guidance DreamsSpirit Guide 7 day candleSpirit Guide Oil - 5mlSpirit Therapy NYCSpirit Therapy with Nicole TomassiniSpiritual Guidance 7 day candle Spring Banishing! House Blessing mist & Uncrossing incense!Spring Equinox SetSpring Medicine SpecialSt. Expedite OilSt. Expedite OilSt. Germain Oil -5mlStag - Nobility Medicine 2oz mistStar Goddess oil Star NationsStarfish - Trusting Your Instincts MedicineStellium OvertureSticks & Stones STONE ART TRADERSStone CitiesSTONE CITIESStonehenge Oil - 5ml - Calendrical / megalithic sitesStrength Oil - 5mlStrix oilSuccess Rune OilSugalite & Sapphire EssenceSummer in the GrassSummer ScentsSummer Solstice DivinationsSUMMER SOLSTICE SPECIAL! Summer Solstice Specials Sun - Hexagram of the Wind / Southwest OilSun King Mist - 4ozSunrise Medicine - 10ml dropper bottle Sunrise Mist - 4ozSunrise Walker Oil - 5mlSunsetter blendSwan - Medicine of Inner BeautySweeping Karma Essence - 10ml dropper bottle Sweet Sage Cleansing TeaSweet WatersSweet William - ascending the mountain.Sweet William - ascending the mountain.Sweeten Your Home, Sensually! SPECIALSweetgrassSweetgrass & White Sage Rescue SoapSWEETGRASS - Open HeartSweetgrass Medicine - (Daughters of Isis "rescue remedy") - 10ml dropper bottleSweetgrass Mist - 4ozSweetgrass Oil - 5mlSweetgrass TealightSylph Oil - 5mlSymbolis Synthesis Essence - Divination formulataehyung - Korean Tangerine Sherbet Sunday - mist for Children - 4ozTangerine Sherbet Sunday mist for Kids ! - 2ozTangerine Sherbet Sunday mist for Kids! - 1ozTangible Scent! PERFUME SOLIDS Tangible Scents: PERFUME SOLIDSTao Goddesses cone incenseTaurus Oil - 5mlTea Leaves Oil - 5mlTea Tree essential oilTealights and Votives in TinTEAS of our blends.Temperance Oil - 5mlTEMPLE MEDITATION: Khyphi Oil - 5mlTetragrammaton Oil - 5mlThacrian Black Salts THE ABUN-DANCE: Hapi Oil - 5mlThe Acuntun Mist - 4ozThe ARCHANGEL OilsThe Balsam SunThe Caribbean incense powder & conesThe Caribbean Mist - 4ozThe Celestial Nile Mist - 4ozThe Chariot Oil- 5mlThe Cold Hand of CIRCE THE CONSCIOUSNESS SHIFT on Here Be Monsters RadioThe Devil Oil - 5mlThe Dragon's Blood - perfume solidThe Dragon's Blood 1/2oz roll onThe Dragon's Blood 50 hour candleThe Dragon's Blood 7 day candleThe Dragon's Blood bubble barThe Dragon's Blood incense largeThe Dragon's Blood incense powder The Dragon's Blood Mist - 4ozThe Dragon's Blood Oil - 5mlThe Dragon's Blood SoapThe Dragon's Blood TeaThe Dragon's Blood TealightThe Dragon's Blood w/ POCKET POWERThe Dragon's Blood w/ POCKET POWERThe Emperor Oil - 5mlThe Empress Oil- 5mlThe Fire - FIREThe Fool Oil- 5mlThe Garuda Within - compassion passionThe GhostDancer Oil -5mlTHE GOD OilsThe GODDESSES - Our GrandMothers 5PACThe GODS OILS- Our GrandFathers 5PACThe Great Dragon - Magickal Kid's SprayThe GroveTHE GROVEThe Hanged Man Oil - 5mlThe Heart Chakra 7 day candleThe Hermit - 5mlThe Hierophant Oil- 5mlThe High Priestess Oil- 5mlthe Holly King - the departing Sun 4oz mistThe Holly Queen & The Holly King! the Holly Queen - the PeaceMaker 4oz mistThe Lovers Oil- 5mlThe LTD oils (limited editions) The Magician Oil - 5mlThe Magickal 3THE MAJOR ARCANA OILSThe Masculine Divine - 4ozTHE MAYA OilsThe Medicine BoxTHE MEDICINE OilsThe Medicine Woman Mist - 4ozThe Moon Oil - 5mlThe Morrigan Oil - 5mlThe MOTHER (Mary) Oil - 5mlThe Mother - EarthTHE MYSTERIES OF LOVE & SELF IDENTIFYING WITHIN IT: Cleopatra Oil - 5mlthe Oak King - the returning Sun 4oz mistThe original DRAC PAC!The Pure Love SpellThe Sea 1/2oz essential oil roll onThe Sea mistThe Serpent's HeadTHE SERPENT'S HEADThe set of Elemental essential oil blendings from the Witch Oils collectionThe Silver Circle 7 day candle The Sky - SpiritTHE SOLAR ESSENCESThe Solar EssencesThe Star Oil - 5mlThe Stone People’s Lodge Oil - 5mlThe straight 7 chakras packageThe Sun Oil - 5mlthe SuperNaturals The Tower Oil - 5mlTHE TRADITION OF SMUDGINGThe Tradition of Smudging: PURE White Sage oil, TRUE Sweetgrass oil, Green Cedar oil, Green Lavender oil, Lyptus Breeze oil & The Stone People's Lodge oilThe Waves - WaterThe Wind - Airthe Winter Fairie - a winter Smile 4oz mistthe Winter Queen - the Storyteller 4oz mistThe WITCH Kit! Gifting or getting! A nice new year's gifting. The Witch OilsThe Witch Oils > Holiday SpecialThe WomenThe World Oil - 5mlThe Wormwood Shaman Mist - 4ozThe Wyrd oil THE YA YA QUEEN'S (Voudou) Fragrant EbosTHE ZODIAC OILSTHERE B DRAGONS! 5 - 1oz bottles!THERE BE DRAGON'S~! BoxThieves Collection PacThieves Oil & Spray PacThieves Oil (A 4 Thieves Blending)Thieves Pac - oil, hand soap & sprayThird Eye Chakra Oil - 5mlThis Is My Home 14 day candle This Is My Home 7 day candleThor Oil - 5mlThoth Oil - 5mlThroat Chakra OilThrough 2018 OUR GIFT TO YOU! Thurisaz Thyme Essential OilTibetan Black Phantom "dispelling darkness" QuartzTin Kinantah EssenceTiny FlowersTipareth Oil - 5mlTiwazTobaccoTobacco perfumeTorusTower Time Transcending into SPIRIT with Chakras 2012 oils.Traveler's Special - WitchWoods, Sweet William, Sea WitchTree of Life SPECIALTRIBAL Triskelion Circle Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist - pls indicate your choice in notes for orderTRUE Sweetgrass OilTu'cut Nugual EssenceTui - Hexagram of the Lake / Southeast OilTurtle - Homefullness Medicine - 2oz mistTurtle MedicineTurtle Medicine - 10ml dropper bottle Tyr Oil - 5mlUncrossing Incense powder Uncrossing MistUncrossing Oil!Undeniable parfume'Undine Oil - 5mlUranian Brilliance Essence - UranusUruzUSER: Using the fragrance for yourself.Valentine Special - Pure Love, Heart Chakra & Lucky in Love essential oil blends.Valerian flower essenceValkyrieValkyrie Oil - 5mlVampir Oil: A darkened, tempting fragrance…Vanilla Sandalwood 2oz Veils - the traveler - perfumeVenusian Response Essence - VenusVetiver - Embrace of GaiaVIKING RUNE OILSVine OilViolet Dragon 50 hour candle Violet Dragon MistViolet Dragon OilViolet Flame 50 hour candle Violet Flame 7 day candleViolet Flame Mist - 4ozViolet Flame TealightViolet SoapVIOLET SPECIAL > Violet Flame & Violet Dragon $32.99Virgo Oil - 5ml Vision Maker 7 day candleVision Quest BundleVision Quest Medicine - 10ml dropper bottle Vision Quest SolsticeVivianite "mystical reboot" EssenceVOUDOU VEVE ESSENCE FORMULASVulture Animal Medicine MeditationVywamus Oilwabi sabi - JapanWai Wai Oil - 5mlWALK WITH THE MASTERS pacWanagi Waning MoonWarrior Heart Oil -5mlWatchtowers Water Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist - pls indicate your choice in notes for orderWater Pearl Waters to refresh my Spirit! - TEA BLENDSWaxing MoonWheel of Fortune Oil - 5mlWheel of the Year - Beltane incenseWheel of the Year - Imbolc incenseWheel of the Year - Litha incenseWheel of the Year - Lughnasadh (Lammas) incenseWheel of the Year - Mabon incenseWheel of the Year - Ostara incenseWheel of the Year - Samhain incense powderWheel of the Year - Yule incenseWHEEL OF THE YEAR ESSENCE FORMULASWheel of the Year EssencesWhit Buffalo Woman incense powderWhite Buffalo Generations Builder Medicine 2oz mistWhite Buffalo Woman & Palo Santo WoodsWhite Buffalo Woman bath truffleWhite Buffalo Woman Medicine - 10ml dropper bottle White Buffalo Woman Mist - 4ozWhite Buffalo Woman Oil - 5mlWhite CobraWhite Cobra 4oz mistWHITE GRAPEFRUIT - CitrusWhite Light spray White Raven - Self Awareness Medicine 2oz mistWhite Raven 4oz mistWhite Sage White Sage & Sweetgrass 4oz misters SPECIAL WHITE SAGE - Sacred SelfWhite Sage 50 hour candle White Sage Medicine - 10ml dropper bottle White Sage Mist - 4ozWhite Sage OilWhite Sage Oil - 5mlWhite Sage perfumeWhite Sage SolidWhite Sage TealightWhite TaraWhite Violet 2ozWhite WitcheryWho is the Goddess Within You? - 3 misters for the $ of 2Wicked & Wise sample setWild Herbs & Flowers WaterWild Rose flower essence remedyWild Yarrow Willow OilWishing & Flying Dreams !Witch 4 pac 1oz mistWitch LeatherWitch Leather 10 mlWitch mist 4oz pacWitch Moon WITCH OILS 5 PACWitch Oils incense cones WitchWoodsWitchWoods & Sweet WilliamWitchWoods - a forest bath.WitchWoods - a forest bath.WitchWoods 1oz LTDWolf - Guidance MedicineWOLFSBANE - ForgivingWolfsbane 50 hour candle Wolfsbane Invisible Wolfsbane Oil - 5ml Wolfsbane perfumeWomen of the Longhouse Oil -5mlWood Essence - 10ml dropper bottle Working with & understanding Sacred Sites Oils Working with Elemental CHI & your Feng Shui EssencesWorking with your Quatum Lightbody Essences to achieve Lightbody capabilities.Workshops via Skype or Hangouts - online & local.Wormwood - The Calling of SpiritsWormwood Oil - 5mlWormwood perfumeWort CunningWort Cunning plant perfumery sample setWort Cunning !Wort Cunning sample setWort Cunning sprayWunjoXaman - winds in front of me: The AcuntunXIBALBA BE MAYA ESSENCE FORMULASXochiquetzal Ya Ya Queen's Protection BagYA YA QUEEN'S VOUDOO OILS 5 PACYang – projecting fragrance / oilYaxkin - winds within me Essence: The AcuntunYemaya Mist 4ozYemaya Oil - 5mlYeshua the Healer Oil - 5mlYesod Oil - 5mlYew OilYin – accepting fragranceYlang Ylang essential oilYULE - WINTER SOLSTICE - NARCISSUS flowerYule Essence - Inner Explorations formulaZeus Oil - 5mlZodiacZoom Class - Saturn / Pluto FREE~ The Four Dragons ~ Elemental mists. “Acceptance” Recoverié Oil“Acknowledgment” Recoverié Oil“Amends” Recoverié Mist“Amends” Recoverié Oil“Hope” Recoverié Oil“Integrity” Recoverié Oil“Meditate” Recoverié Mist“Meditation” Recoverié Oil“Prayer” Recoverié Mist - 4oz“Prayer” Recoverié Oil“Self Honesty” Recoverié Oil“Sharing” Recoverié Oil“Trust” Recoverié Oil