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Babalu Aye!
Babalu Aye!
Item# newitem447113494
Regular price: $15.95
Sale price: $11.50
Availability: Usually ships in 5-7 business days

Product Description

Much feared and much beloved. Babalu Aye!

One the one hand Babalu Aye is the spirit small pox and certain death en masse. On the other hand he's a benevolent guardian of the planet ... a Green Man who brings the greening of all plants and trees. He protects against disease... he is small pox and he is it's vaccine (Judika Illes - Encyclopedia of Spirits). He assists with healing all skin diseases, an herbal healer and teacher to guide you into conversation with the plant kingdom. He's also the Orisha of AIDS ... protecting and conveying the simples and remedies for death disease. He's a healer's healer.

He's a crossroads guardian watching over the cemeteries. He's the spooky wind or shadow running off the wild child at night in the boneyard and the servant to those who come in honest prayer and mourning.

He uses his broom to sweep out the pestilence and harm or sweep it in. This is his curse to the arrogant, the fraudulent and those who seek power over other evilly.

Here is a Lwa to assist with herbal and plant remedies. Flower essences are more potentized with his assistance.

Essential oil blend of black currant, pink grapefruit, bitter basil.

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