Each of our creations provides complete information you see on our site (for the specific collection) to assist you in beginning to work with your Daughters of Isis creation. As new items appear, we will update the information in a timely manner. Do you have any questions? We are happy to answer them! Call us toll free: 866-DOI-OILS (364-6457) Monday - Saturday 10am to 6pm Eastern. Or call our business number 646-202-1889.

MISTS - SPRAYS: Transforming Yourself & Your environment.

Daughters of Isis unique mists / sprays created using indigenous pure water, essential oil blends & flower essences. No chemical or synthetic 'sablizers' are used in our misters. Just the flower essences, the essential oils & water. Their shelf life is one year.

HOW TO WORK WITH YOUR DAUGHTERS OF ISIS MIST / SPRAY Always shake sweetly! Our mists are created with flower essence homeopathy (no scent, preserved in organic brandy) a few drops from our companion flower essence collections and ESSENTIAL OIL BLENDS. There are no chemicals or soaps to disperse the oils in to the indigenous waters we energize for your mister.

SHAKE, naturally disperse the oils for an even application.

Work with VISION & INTENTION (within your minds' eye) for use!

Arc a mist above your head to penetrate your auric field and evenly surround you with the mist.

You may also spray 3 times creating a giant Z before you and walk through. This too will penetrate your auric field and shift the energies surrounding you!

Quantum Shift Mist - 4oz
Regular price: $26.95
Sale price: $21.00
Regular price: $26.95
Sale price: $21.00
Violet Flame Mist - 4oz
Heart Chakra Mist - 4oz
Violet Dragon Mist
White Sage Mist - 4oz
Sweetgrass Mist - 4oz
Cansasa - Red Willow
Medicine Ceremony Mist - 4oz
Bold Tobacco
Evergreen Mist
Mayan Copal 4oz mister
Pure Sweetgrass & White Sage mist
White Buffalo Woman Mist - 4oz
Green Cedar Mist - 4oz
 Green Man Mist 4oz
Nature Mother Mist
Palo Santo Woods Mist - 4oz
The Medicine Woman Mist - 4oz
The Wormwood Shaman Mist - 4oz
The Dragon's Blood Mist - 4oz
$Money$ Mist - 4oz spray
Mother Mugwort Mist - 4oz
WitchWoods - a forest bath.
Regular price: $26.95
Sale price: $22.00
Sweet William - ascending the mountain.
Regular price: $26.95
Sale price: $22.00
Sea Witch - a sea bath.
Regular price: $26.95
Sale price: $22.00
Hecate's Cavern
Baphomet 4oz
Ars Goetia 4oz
House Blessing - 4oz
Khyphi Mist - 4oz
Isis - Auset mist - 4oz
Regular price: $26.95
Sale price: $21.00
Osiris - Asur 4oz mist
Anubis Mist 4oz
Pleiadian Blue
Regular price: $26.95
Sale price: $21.00
Aquarius 4oz mist
Regular price: $26.95
Sale price: $21.00
White Cobra 4oz mist
Black Moon Lilith
Mercury Rx Remedy
Balance Mist - 4oz
Green Tea Mist - 4oz
Indigo Dragon Vision Mist - 4oz
Golden Dragon mist 4oz
Kahuna Lapa'au Mist - 4oz
Kahuna He'enalu Mist - 4oz
 Bayou St. John Mist - 4oz
Psychic Mist 4oz
Uncrossing Mist
Florida Waters Mist 4oz
Pure Love Mist 4oz
Papa Legba 4oz mist
Archangel Michael Mist - 4oz
ArchAngel Uriel 4oz mist
ArchAngel Raphael 4oz mist
ArchAngel Gabriel 4oz mist
El Moyra mist 4oz
 Kutumi Mist - 4oz
Comte St. Germain Mist - 4oz
Lady Nada 4oz mist
Kuan Yin Mist - 4oz
Rhiannon 4oz mist
Regular price: $26.95
Sale price: $21.95
Oshun 4oz mist
Regular price: $26.95
Sale price: $21.00
Yemaya Mist 4oz
Lakshmi 4oz mist
Odin Mist 4oz
Pan Mist 4oz
Ganesha Mist 4oz
Merlin Mist 4oz
Owl Medicine Mist 4oz
 Whale Medicine Mist 4oz
 Wolf Medicine Mist 4oz
Turtle Medicine
Dragon Medicine
Deer Medicine
In Lak'ech Ala K'in
Black Sage & Thieves oil spray.
Tower Time
Regular price: $26.95
Sale price: $21.00
Regular price: $26.95
Sale price: $21.00
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