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Sweetgrass & White Sage mist.

Pure Sweetgrass & White Sage mist
Pure Sweetgrass & White Sage mist
Item# newitem313872592
Regular price: $26.95
Sale price: $21.00
Availability: Usually ships in 5-7 business days

Product Description

A fragrant invitation to call good Spirits to you! The gentle, penetrating fragrance of true Sweetgrass soothes your heart, open your mind and quikens your Great Spirit within. Sweetgrass Mist is blended with Sweetgrass absolute oil and herbal Sweetgrass. We companion our oils with a Sweetgrass flower essence to bring rescue and restoration to you and your environment. Mist Sweetgrass to heal anything!


A pure smudge of White Sage! Always use for making persona, place of thing sacred! Our White Sage Mist is a blending of absolute White Sage, herbal White Sage and an essential steam expression of White Sage. Complimented with the homeopathy of White Sage flower essence, White Sage Mist clarifies your personal space, cleanses your auric field and invites truth to express itself. The perfect partner for healing and meditation!

- compliments of both white sage & sweetgrass for ceremonial use

- personal healing tool for moments of crisis

- calling your spirit guides to support you during crisis

- bedroom / personal space cleansing & aligning

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