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Violet Dragon Mist

Violet Dragon Mist
Violet Dragon Mist
Item# newitem300912910
Availability: Usually ships in 5-7 business days

Product Description

This blending was originally developed to facilitate Ki Quong and Tai Chi practice / exercise and it still performs for you wonderfully in this application! Violet Dragon has evolved into a valuable sensual tool for focus, flow for subtle constructions of energy and a mental healing formula. Violet Dragon helps you to work through stagnation of CHI…the reason for our dis-ease and lack of well being.

- opens chi / qi flow in action

- excellent healing assistant for energy work, quickens flow

- Tai Chi aromatic compliment

- a clarifying aromatic

- connective mind to body

Sensually designed with Bulgarian lavender, thyme, red thyme, calamus draco, sweet basil and clary sage, Violet Dragon lends you the ability to clarify, rejuvenate and establish a solid mind to body one-ness that allows your Spirit to flow freely within!

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