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Item# newitem2643921918
Regular price: $26.95
Sale price: $21.95
Availability: Usually ships in 5-7 business days

Product Description

A fragrant alignment with timely cosmic cyclic shifts, transitional energies, a good healer's companion for energy work, mental cleansing.

Essential oils: frankincense, pink grapefruit, pink peppercorn, lime leaf, bois de incense, bergamot, honeysuckle flower, green cognac, Egyptian geranium.

The concept of the Torus, a geometric shape resembling a donut, is rich with symbolism and is often associated with the idea of energy flow, balance, and harmony. The torus represents a continuous cycle of energy moving inwards and outwards, creating a dynamic equilibrium. When you apply the scents of frankincense, grapefruit, and bergamot to the idea of a torus, each scent can symbolize different aspects of this powerful shape, enhancing your connection to its energies. A fragrant alignment with timely cosmic cyclic shifts, transitional energies, a good healer's companion for energy work, mental cleansing.

Frankincense: The Sacred Center Symbolism: Frankincense, with its deep, resinous aroma, represents the spiritual core of the torus. Just as the torus has a central point from which energy radiates and returns, frankincense symbolizes the sacred center within us—our connection to the divine and the source of all creation. It draws your focus inward, connecting you to the core of your being, much like the center of the torus from which all energy flows.

Grapefruit: The Dynamic Flow Symbolism: Grapefruit, with its bright, uplifting citrus aroma, embodies the dynamic, outward flow of energy in the torus. This scent represents the expansion and movement of energy, the way it spirals outwards from the center, creating growth, vitality, and renewal. As you experience its fresh, zesty scent, visualize the energy spiraling outward from your core, filling your aura with light, positivity, and momentum, just as the energy in a torus expands into the world.

Bergamot: The Harmonizing Balance Symbolism: Bergamot, known for its soothing yet uplifting qualities, symbolizes the balance and harmony within the torus. This scent represents the returning flow of energy, the way it loops back from the outer edges to the center, maintaining equilibrium and cyclical renewal. It balances your emotions and mental state, just as the torus maintains balance through its continuous energy exchange, bringing a sense of peace and completeness.

Integrating the Scents into a Torus Meditation Begin with Frankincense: Start by inhaling the scent of frankincense deeply, focusing on your center. Visualize the core of the torus, the source of your inner strength and spiritual connection. Introduce Grapefruit: Gradually bring in the scent of grapefruit. As you do, imagine the energy spiraling outward from your center, filling your space with vitality and brightness. Feel the dynamic flow of life energy radiating from within you.

Balance with Bergamot: Finally, introduce the scent of bergamot. Visualize the energy that has expanded outward now gently looping back to your core, completing the cycle. Feel the balance and harmony this creates within you, as the energy flows effortlessly in and out, maintaining your inner equilibrium.

Conclusion: The Torus as a Living Energy Field When you combine the scents of frankincense, grapefruit, and bergamot, you create a sensory experience that mirrors the torus’s energy dynamics. Frankincense grounds you in your sacred center, grapefruit energizes and expands your aura, and bergamot harmonizes the cycle of energy flow. This aromatic trio not only enhances your understanding of the torus but also supports your journey towards spiritual balance and wholeness.

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