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Stonehenge Oil - 5ml - Calendrical – astronomical megalithic sites

Stonehenge Oil	 - 5ml - Calendrical  / megalithic sites
Stonehenge Oil - 5ml - Calendrical / megalithic sites
Item# stonehenge1
Availability: Usually ships in 5-7 business days

Product Description

A blend to help you penetrate the resonance of standing stone formations wherever you encounter them! Earthy and grounding, Stonehenge Oil helps you to ‘tap’ into the humming resonance of these structures. More than calendrical – astronomical observatories or burial cashes, global standing stone formations offer us a direct link into the vibrating voice of our Earth Mother. Megalithic sites were the gathering spots for our Ancestors to make connection with the planet and listen to the messages she was sending out to her solar and galactic neighbors. Stonehenge Oil assists you in ‘tapping’ into the subtle voice of the Earth Mother and helps you to ground to the memory of Place. The greatest global trigger Stonehenge has provided in the last century is the in establishing the practice of archaeoastronomy, the science of aligning the past with the present through astronomical calculations, mythologies and the world view (cosmology) global cultures. [The anthropology of astronomy marked by ancient stand stone and monument formations or architecture.]

Use Stonehenge Oil to help you penetrate the resonant messages traveling between the Earth Mother and nearby planets, stars and galactic systems through standing stone sites. Unique and awakening multidimensional experiences wait for you in connecting with the Spirit of Place at standing stones monuments! Always resonating, these portals can help you open your consciousness to the constant informational flow between worlds. As receptor and broadcast instruments of the planet, standing stone formations are direct connections to our solar and galactic neighbors. Helping us to ground to the planet while opening our extra sensuality, standing stones resonate continuously.

Use Stonehenge Oil whenever you make your pilgrimage to megalithic and standing stones sites for alignment to our neighbors and to penetrate the cultural memories of Place. Oakmoss, patchouli, spikenard, bezoin, sandalwood and Douglas Artemisia essential oils.

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