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CABAN Oil - 5ml - “I am another Yourself”.
CABAN Oil - 5ml - “I am another Yourself”.
Item# newitem3263076138
Availability: Usually ships in 5-7 business days

Product Description

CABAN {ca ban}

“I am another Yourself”. The Mayan expression traded amongst pilgrims along the journey, “In Lak’ech” signifies the intimate quality of Caban. Through this lens you can establish that validating ‘heart to heart’ so necessary between cosmic kindred Spirits! In creating these special relationships, we experience a new working ethic in the golden rule; what you give is what you get. The integrity you develop through Ix, your connective resonance of Home through the lens of Men and the assurity in your cosmic self Cib has prepared you with enables you to now approach the essence of Caban; contacting your cosmic kindred Spirits.

Caban represents the ‘heart’ of matters, the centerplace. The ‘heart’ of a galaxy, planet, individual or group…and the crystalline nature in them resonate within the lens of Caban. Contact and communication through Caban begins with Light connection from heart (core) to heart. Creative visualizations connecting ‘heart to heart’ aided by Caban, is quickened. Continuing your visualizations, use your crystal healing and communication tools with Caban’s glyph as a visual imprint within the tool to initiate your intention for comic communications. Meditate and work with Caban to begin:

Anchoring your intentions for cosmic connection (setting your astral flag!)

Assisting you to merge into your cosmic identity – your identity among the Star Nations

Bonding with kindred Spirits in all realms

Grasping the relativity of all time as FLOW in the NOW

Remaining grounded to Home through all of your journeying techniques

A blending to hold the connection between hearts! Into Caban Oil we offer softest Rose, calming Lavender flower, sweet Balsam, cleansing Rosemary, arousing Frankincense and light Summer Savoy!

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