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Zeus Oil

Zeus Oil - 5ml
Zeus Oil - 5ml
Item# newitem263774033
Availability: Usually ships in 5-7 business days

Product Description

ZEUS: Greek – Father of Olympus & The Gods: Amours, delighting, stupefying, shocking, frightening, enlightening and bold, the Father of Olympus is expansive! Lightning bolts are his logo; the quickness of decision, the delegation of power, the summit of knowledge, the ability to resolve the most difficult situations, only the supreme God of Olympus fits every attribute. His presence is in the rising sun and the daytime skies. Zeus champions the Hero / Heroine in their quests and offers guidance, sometimes gifting his protection or special talents.

Companions: Hera, The Olympians, The Titans, Spartans, thunderbolts, eagles, doves, bulls, scepter, cinders and ash, all white (albino) animals, oak, royal palm, olive, frankincense, angelica root, deadly nightshade and dittany of Crete. Zeus’s blend instills confidence with frankincense, angelica root, cedar and clove.

Ideals & goals: Endowing the Hero on their quest, Zeus is the Spirit of endurance and accomplishment to meet major challenges and resolve them to move onward.

Inspiring talents & skills: As the God of Olympus he is the ruling authority, as a Father he is the mediating element between others, as supreme God he is the last appeal for humanity.

Accomplishments: Zeus is the comfort and confidant of leaders, advising and assisting civilization and human progress.

Paradigm Shift skill: Zeus provide wise advice, to turn within and come to choices or make decisions depending on your own discernment. Self confidence and self esteem are the foundation Zeus’ influence builds for you.

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