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Four Forces Oil

Four Forces Oil - 5ml
Four Forces Oil - 5ml
Item# newitem1263106567
Regular price: $15.95
Sale price: $12.00
Availability: Usually ships in 5-7 business days

Product Description

Four Forces Oil

In the East is the place I return to seek out the wisdom life unfolds before me. In the South I gather my passions and healing ways. In the West I go to find my ‘looks within place’ and discover new resources. In the North I go to find my way Home. Here are my four directions to walk the Red Road beneath me. I reach out with heart and mind to the Ancestors in the Star Nations above me and share all of this with my family.

Four Forces Oil sensually helps you to find a balanced, new companionship with the Earth Mother as the anchor of your own directions. At Spring Equinox I turn to the East for a renewal of my dreams through the inspiration in my connections to Nature. When Summer arrives, I turn into the South to remember my childhood joys and hear the songs of my heart. I take the journey into the West when Autumn comes, where all my illusions are stripped away from me and I talk with my Ancestors. When the North wind blows and Winter enfolds me, I turn to find understanding of who I am with the Buffalo who connects me to the Earth Mother and Sky Father.

Four Forces Oil nurtures your personal seasonality, the cycles of your life, helping you to settle into life’s lessons. This oil inspires a sensual focus and balance with Nature to translate into your daily life. It’s an excellent application for ceremonial use when you intend to find answers or begin new directions of experience. Anointing your ceremonial tools, especially the boundaries of your Medicine Wheel, Four Forces Oil sets an unseen standard calling the energies of each season within. Finding a skill in discerning all your directions when working within Nature, Four Forces guides you with a special purity!

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