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Buddha Oil

Buddha Oil - 5ml
Buddha Oil - 5ml
Item# newitem263714370
Availability: Usually ships in 5-7 business days

Product Description

the BUDDHA: Buddhist – Sage of the Shakyas, The Enlightened One: The rainbows sprang at the moments of his birth and death, Siddhartha Gautama, sage among all rulers. As a young prince he eschewed the royal life to go out into the world and discover for himself the experience of all humanity. Among companions, he developed his consciousness into an enLightened state of being and ascended into harmony with the Universe.

Companions: Maya, banyan tree, lotus blossoms, breadfruit, soma, gardenias, prayer beads, sandalwood, any blossoming flower tree, green teas, quartz crystals and jades. A blend of beauty and release in lotus!

Ideals & Goals: The Attainment of Enlightenment. Though many disciplines are parabled and ascetically demonstrated in Buddhist / Tao practice, Siddhartha guides the individual in developing his / her intrinsic nature in order to achieve their own enlightened state of being.

Inspiring talents & skills: Quiet. The art of meditation is Buddha’s skill! Whenever you seek the void within for finding harmony in your decisions, call on Buddah’s presence to help you anchor it.

Accomplishments: Buddha-hood. Buddha taught this was attained through the jhanas, four progressive states of meditation leading to a release of the mind that enables penetration of the deepest truths of existence. The practice of Buddhism, Taoism and Hinduism brings focus to the quest for new consciousness.

Leadership qualities: Gandhi! To be a true Buddhist leader is a most noble and evolved goal. The path of peace and equality in all terms is the influence of Siddhartha. Call upon him to guide our current leaders. Call on him when you have the responsibility to make group choices that involve confrontational situations. He will assist you in demonstrating truth and peace.

Paradigm Shift skills: Taking a chance on the future! Buddha brings the essence of new beginnings and trust in come what may! The ability to release your past and trust that your future is bringing what you have chosen. Relax.

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