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GrandMother Spider Oil

GrandMother Spider Oil - 5ml
GrandMother Spider Oil - 5ml
Item# newitem263711196
Availability: Usually ships in 5-7 business days

Product Description

GRANDMOTHER SPIDER: The American Nations – GrandMother Medicine of the Sky World: GrandMother Spider waited in the Sky World for the Great Spirit of Wakan Tonka (the Universal Mind) to be born. She is Oldest of the Old Ones. When Wakan Tonka awoke from the dream of the world (Universe) she watched the seven Lights (colors) float out from Great Spirit to become shinning stars. GrandMother Spider began to sing her song of weaving through the Sky World and she danced and spun her Web of Life! With the help of GrandMother Spider we can travel our own Web of Life and discover where we come from and where our choices are taking us. This special Medicine is the common psychology of all Peoples…Who are we? Where are we going?

Companionship alignments: Wakan Tonka, Eagle, all Spiders, she resonates within every web, centerplaces and crossroads, black sapphire, fire agate, silver eye obsidian, turquoise, coral, web jasper, salvia plant, juniper trees, blue milfoil – her sacred yarrow flower and mimosa flowers. You will penetrate the web with her awakening blend of blue milfoil, mimosa and juniperberry.

Nurturing capacities: As the Hopi Mother of All That Will Ever Come she guides and illuminates your personal web of life and enables you to discern where your growth and abundance lies.

Inspirational influences: As a spider, the GrandMother encourages molting, shedding our skin of old, outworn ways to make new beginnings!

Healing gifts: All counselors and therapists are gifted by GrandMother Spider! Her illumination into the darkness of blocked memories, her balancing technologies in proper weaving translates into balanced approaches into facing and resolving issues. Call on GrandMother Spider to guide you as a good counselor or a good listening friend!

Creative drive: Learning and growing in shamanic skills, GrandMother Spider triggers our sensuality through our energy web (Lightbody) connecting our Spirit to our physical senses and awakening our psychic skills.

Leadership qualities: In keeping the memory of our Ancestors, GrandMother Spider is a spiritual leader, who gifts those who reach out to humanity as Spiritual leaders with the continuity of the past and the bright promise of a new age.

Paradigm Shift skills: GrandMother Spider is resonant today for all of us as the guide of a new age speaking one eternal message: All Peoples and Beings are Created Equal, we have the gift of All My Relations. We are all connected to All That Is and Ever Was. Our new prayer is “O mitakuye oyasin.”

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