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Psychic Oil!

Psychic Oil!
Psychic Oil!
Item# newitem267494048
Availability: Usually ships in 5-7 business days

Product Description

Traditional uses: To promote visionary experience, penetration of the Unknown surrounding you, shifting your consciousness, enabling communication with guides and Ancestors.

Here be a charm: Collect 3 clear crystal quartz points and 3 bloodstones (silvery hematite). Take them to the beach and cleanse them each in sea water. Then take each one in turn; the first sashay over the tops of wave foam and vibe it up for faraway visions. Take one of the silvery bloodstones’ and make it your vision crystals’ companion; what that vision crystal sees, make it so the slivery bloodstone captures and holds for your wisdom. Take the second clear crystal, sashay it over the tops of wave foam and vibe it up for seeing clearly into the heart of matters. Take one of the silvery bloodstones’; make it this crystal’s companion for grounding this delicate knowledge. Take the final crystal; vibe it up, sashay it through the wave tops for mainstaying your journeys in the worlds of Spirit and companion it to the last silvery bloodstone to hold your lifeforce in this world. Take your Psychic Oil and anoint each crystal, each silvery bloodstone with intention for use and put them into clean, deep violet cloth to keep their vibe constant! Choose a box to give them a home. Place your Psychic Oil into the box with them and each time you use the crystals, put the Psychic Oil across your forehead to guide your mind! Vibe it up!

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