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Archangel Azrael oil

Archangel Azrael oil
Archangel Azrael oil
Item# newitem1561524248
Availability: Usually ships in 5-7 business days

Product Description

Archangel Azrael helps those grieving the loss of a loved one pull their lives together.

Besides helping those grieving, he helps those who are transitioning from the physical realm to the spirit world. It’s the responsibility of Archangel Azrael to help the departing soul detach from the physical body and cross over to their next phase of life in the hereafter. He comforts dying souls and assists them through seven heavenly halls. The journey through these seven planetary spheres allows the deceased to review their life. Souls going through this process get a chance to reflect on the actions they took when they lived in the physical form; heal their wounds and prepare for their next chapter.

Archangel Azrael is also responsible for keeping track of all the departing souls and monitoring their reincarnation.

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