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Yeshua the Healer Oil

Yeshua the Healer Oil - 5ml
Yeshua the Healer Oil - 5ml
Item# newitem263773961
Availability: Usually ships in 5-7 business days

Product Description

YESHUA THE HEALER: Judeo – Healer, Teacher, Sage: Yeshua ben Yosef was a Rabbi from Galilee during a time of social and cultural injustice served by Rome, placated by the rabbinical nobility in order to keep peace and ensure survival. A time robust for revolution; historically rabbi’s provided the leadership for such events. It wasn’t uncommon for obscure young rabbi’s to travel the countryside preaching or debating the Torah and offering Midrash (their personal interpretation). This was the landscape and the atmosphere at the time of the second Temple period when Yeshua ben Yosef sought out another rebel named John, became cleansed, and then struck out on his own to offer his Midrash of the Torah.

Companions: Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Peter, Andrew, Paul, James, John, Phillip, Thomas, Matthew, James son of Zebedee, Simon the Canaanite and Judas, sweet oils for anointing, sandalwood, hawthorn, frankincense, myrrh, angelica root, myrtle and clove. Yeshua’s healing blend includes frankincense, sandalwood, rose and myrrh.

Ideals & Goals: Yeshua practiced a holistic application of healing; working with thought, intention, visualization and subtle energetic healing. His great intention was transformation through the release of guilt and fear. Inspiring talents & skills: The transmutation of dis-ease and dis-harmony in the body and mind.

Accomplishments: Ascended Mastery, achieved Spiritual transformation in the body.

Paradigm Shift skills: Accepting that human is Divine and accepting full responsibility for your Self. [not placing Divinity outside of your Self]

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