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Kalahari Oil - 5ml - Template of Seeding – Base Chakra Vortex

Kalahari Oil - 5ml - Template of Seeding – Base Chakra Vortex
Kalahari Oil - 5ml - Template of Seeding – Base Chakra Vortex
Item# kalahari1
Availability: Usually ships in 5-7 business days

Product Description

Base Chakra of the planet.

Working with Kalahari Oil introduces you to the Base qualities in natural phenomena; new growth in the plant kingdom, geological formation or adjustment, new communities among our Animal Brothers and Sisters and new communities among Peoples. The re-growth beginning in so many places from all the elemental destruction; reclamation of Nature after the storms, fires, earthquakes, etc. are examples of positive Earth Base Chakra qualities balancing current “earth changes”. The seedling beginnings of Nature in the aftermath of these events demonstrates reveal the yin and yang qualities we can work with. Kalahari Oil helps awaken your awareness in harmony with new growth, new beginnings and natural reclamation. Nurturing these processes in Nature assists us to discover and define our relationship with the Earth Mother! Base vortexes surround you! Where in your neighborhood are new communities coming to life? Within these vortexes we discover a fundamental resource for new beginnings and release of our pain (emotional issues connective to our) past.

Kalahari Oil reflects the sensual qualities of the Kalahari desert and plains of Mother Africa where our human existence was born. The Kalahari’s (meaning ‘place without water’) southern reaches are mainly fossil desert while its northern climes offer water and vegetation. The San People of the Kalahari represent a collective of human cultural templates; every characteristic of form, tone and dynamic in humanity remains prime in them. The rich, fiery, spiced scents of new life bursting up in Nature’s’ reclamation combine in Kalahari Oil; clove buds, blue sage, cinnamon leaf, blue cypress, sandalwood and myrrh. A flinty, woodsy scent of erupting life, use Kalahari Oil to guide you in ceremonial dedication to the Equinoxes, to lend energetic assistance with all new beginnings of your personal journeys into Nature and in reclaiming the land or waters to urge healing with the Earth Changes that herald a new age.

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