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Feng Shui Elemental Essences ( 5 Element formulas )

We experience our world through the elemental demonstration of CHI. There are five elements in Feng Shui that influence us through our choices. 3 major cycles of constant CHI flow demonstrate the elements. In the Cycle of Expansion our choices stimulate elemental harmony. We accept and meet challenges, experience growth, learn from the past and accumulate success, wealth and joyful pleasure in life’s experience. In the Cycle of Constriction our choices are dis-harmonious causing elemental chaos and destruction. In the acute case, “a ruined life” is the apparent result. This cycle also ‘clears the way’ for all things new! In the Cycle of Depletion our negative, mean, destructive or (primarily) fearful choices result in elemental exhaustion, ill, weak influences manifesting revolving failures or mistakes. In this darkness dreams and goals can be lost, abandoned or the balance of Light within can resolve greater dreams, stronger commitments and more attainable goals.
The Feng Shui Elemental essences are designed to attune your recognition to each elemental demonstration so you will recognize this CHI when it is the influence surrounding you. Keep in mind the elemental hierarchal qualities of constant flux or “wu-xing”: Cycle of Expansion – wood fuels fire, fire burns to ash or earth; earth creates metal, heated metal flows like water and water nourishes wood. Cycle of Constriction – wood depletes nutrients from earth, earth absorbs water; water kills fire generating the Cycle of Depletion - fire melts metal and destroys wood. Paying attention to these elemental demonstrations surrounding you will give you wisdom towards adjusting the influences and beneficial compensations! There are opportunities and challenges in the CHI flow surrounding you, these Elemental Essences will help you do it!
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 | Regular price: $17.00 Sale price: $12.00 |
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 | Regular price: $17.00 Sale price: $12.00 |
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