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Earth Essence flower essence formula
Product Description
The element of Earth is grounding; it allows us to define our roots and
to stabilize our lives. It brings patience, honor, honesty and respect
while giving us method to work through. The stewardship of the land,
real estate and legacies are demonstrated through the element of Earth.
To establish a comprehensive balance to surround your home, Earth
Essence will bring you illumination and stability!
Yellow is the color of the Earth element, it's direction is the heart of
all things in the centerplace and it captures the whole of the seasons.
Use Earth Essence to define your centerplace at home. To establish
your will, give patience to your projects, to be honest and sincere with
your companions during troublesome times, Earth Essence is your
balm! A wonderful meditation application to determine the most
harmonious placements within your surroundings, use it whenever you
need to recreate the flow of CHI energies for new changes! It is a good
assistant when recovering from illness...it helps to re-establish your
connections with the land and find strength to grow.
Contemplate the Yin and the Yang of the Earth element...it
captures your seeds away and then eventually it yields back a
harvest! A cyclic taking and giving!