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Allah Gobi Oil

Allah Gobi Oil
Allah Gobi Oil
Item# newitem280795408
Availability: Usually ships in 5-7 business days

Product Description

Allah Gobi Oil:

A blend of stillness and transcendence; yuzu citrus for a clean freshness to clear the way, plumeria to instill sweetness of intention and lily for peace.

Qualities Allah Gobi oil will assist you with: Stillness, peace, willingness to serve without reciprocity, intentions for peace. Grounded and clear.

Master Allah Gobi offers us the guidance of stillness and the honest search for our life path. In true quietness we discover ourselves.


Allah Gobi is a Master of Stillness. He may teach us to truly be still and silent. We are constantly in motion and bombarded by information: from our minds, feelings, emotions and physical senses as well as from subconscious and external sources. When we communicate with others we may not truly hear or understand what we or others are saying, for with all this constant chatter, we rarely make time to be still, silent and truly listen for that “still, small voice within” -our inner / Higher self and to God. All of what we need to know, or what we need to pass to others is accessible from within ourselves, if we take the time and space to look for it. The true art of communication is firstly to still and empty oneself, and then to really pay attention on all levels to what is being communicated. Next we should take the time to think carefully about what we have heard and understood so that the answer we formulate may be fully measured and considered. When we talk we should say only what is important and what we truly mean to say, in order to utilize the full Power of our words.

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