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Mental Initiator Essence

Mental Initiator Essence -  10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist
Mental Initiator Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist
Item# newitem3263013679
Availability: Usually ships in 5-7 business days

Product Description

Connecting to your Higher Self

Mental Initiator Essence - 10ml dropper bottle or 2oz environmental mist - pls indicate your choice in notes for order

Your Mental Body of consciousness is the turnkey in transforming your nodal points of karmic – dharmic personal evolution. As the cognitive faculty for all forms of consciousness you posses, it regulates your supraluminal process of both sensory and subtle stimulation; a multidimensional filtering mechanism which keeps you grounded in your physical nature while allowing you to sensually tap into the unseen. Existence on all levels coalesces in your Mental Body, extending from your physical body in a golden hue. The Mental Body basically operates through a higher and lower mind exchange of enLightenment and understanding or confusion and loss of grounding with the physical (insanity). Achieving a balanced thought (an epiphany or moment of transcendence) is an optimal Mental Body process allowing us to express ourselves as Spiritual beings. This is our true brilliance! Everyone experiences epiphany and transcendence aligned to their unique life journey or destiny. These instances are a leap of growth, a moment of personal evolution.

Your Mental Body functions are intimately linked to your Astral Body dynamic, where the creativity of your projective imagination allows you to judge, discern and formulate the consequences of your choices and actions. It runs the machine and synthesizes sentient-ness through the Causal Body of consciousness. Your Solar Plexus Chakra is the primary Chakra transformer / filter of energetic information the Mental Body processes. Up another frequency of existence, the Mental Body sustains the continuous operation of physical – subtle interfacing, cognitive and dissonant experiences. This is displayed in the almost constant flux of colors in your auric field processing stimuli from all levels of existence, when you are mentally stimulated. As a regulator of your auric field, colors emanate responsively to the thoughts and consequential feelings from both physical and subtle stimuli. When you are mentally focused in meditation, physical exercise, study or in a state of relaxation, you easily maintain a consistent auric emanation. Your quiet or focused mind is a valuable tool in applying subtle techniques as the consistency of auric emanation allows a more outward regulation of CHI flow in subtle healing applications.

As you develop an idea to point of expression, it becomes a vibrant subtle signature in your Mental Body. The more habitual this thought is, the more significant it becomes in your auric field. These thoughts create the structure of your Mental Body. Just as your Etheric Body holds the descending signatures creating nodal points, the nodes contained in your Mental Body map your expansiveness, substantial ideals and values becoming brightest in subtle emanation just prior to inspiration and expression. If your lower and higher mind processes are not making connective correlations, you are confused, angry, over zealous, etc… you can become unmanageably dysfunctional. This is the lower mind taking control.

Your higher mind is limitlessly adaptable with care and intelligence, connective to your Highest Self. Both the lower and higher mind stimulate the left and right hemisphere’s of the physical brain indicating function: left brained thinking includes logic and coordination / judgement while the right brain indicates more intuitive and creative function. Metal Initiator Essence stimulates a simultaneous function of both for a cognitive elasticity to awaken personal expansiveness and your PSI senses. Self-actualization is the process of tapping both higher and lower mind harmoniously. Higher mind will reserve the safety valve of your subconscious urges in relationship to your Etheric blockages in allowing or disallowing judgement on knowing when to bring issues into your awareness with an acute timing for individual evolution. Lower mind is the most expressive; ego or the I=AM allowing you to accept dishonesty, arrogance, cruelty, laziness AND unconditional acts of love or kindness, your need to reach out to others with your emotions, creativity or logic. Lower mind allows us to retreat to fantasy when the challenge of fear invites us into our darkness within in order to work for healing resolutions. Restlessness, ignorance, petty mean-ness are all rote expressions of your lower mind triggered by memories of fear based issues. They become habitual or conditioned responses that retard your personal growth. Your lower mind recognizes them in expression while being triggered by your higher mind to choose whether to change your mind and your behavior. Descartes was flawed: I think, therefore I am; is a misnomer of consciousness, the trap of the solitary lower mind. When you allow your higher mind’s urges to re-think a dysfunctional behavior (which is automatically part of the process) you understand more completely that you are INSPIRED to think and therefore you are. Mental Initiator Essence works to bring this positive balance into habitual expression, developing an ongoing stream of the Divine connections of higher mind. This warp and woof is the polarity dynamic you discern with, discover your inner self through, excite creativity and expand your perception. Clear understanding of your personal polarity is a enLightening tool of definition triggered by your Mental Initiator Essence. Your higher mind is the illuminate of your cosmic consciousness – intelligence, your connection to All That Exists. Mental Initiator Essence will gradually open your instinctual awareness to this phenomenon while you practice imbuing white Light pulsations along the synapses of your whole physical brain. The informed guidance of your imagination is your most helpful instrument in unlocking hidden memories of multiple lives and providing clues to Who you truly are. Use Mental Initiator Essence as the instrument to initiate your journeying meditations into the past! Compliment this technique with your Astral Initiator Essence.

Mental Initiator Essence applications:

 -Clarity in complicated, multi-leveled thought

 -Dispels confusion

 -Stimulates right – left brained balanced thought & action (whole brain functioning)

 -Brings personal polarities into conscious awareness as tools for growth

 -Manifest conscious awareness of a personal cosmic connectiveness

 “-Channeling” elixir, actualizes PSI sensitivities naturally to define subtly concealed or shadow information

In everyday applications, Mental Initiator Essence stimulates balanced thought processes and clarity in dispelling confusion during stress. Bathing with it will trigger a creative mental process, used with practice. Try it! For on the spot focus, mental agility and a stimulating study aid, Mental Initiator works well.

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