Each of our creations provides complete information you see on our site (for the specific collection) to assist you in beginning to work with your Daughters of Isis creation. As new items appear, we will update the information in a timely manner.
Do you have any questions? We are happy to answer them! Call us toll free: 866-DOI-OILS (364-6457) Monday - Saturday 10am to 6pm Eastern. Or call our business number 646-202-1889.
K’an - Hexagram of the Water / West Oil
Product Description
K’an - Hexagram of the Water / West – self reflective, intuitive.
K'an (☵) – Water / The Abysmal
Element: Water
Qualities: Depth, intuition, adaptability, mystery, danger.
Zen Meaning: The flow of life, the wisdom found in surrender, and navigating uncertainty.
Plunge within yourself! K'an Oil gives you
fragrant help to prowl the corridors of your Inner
Self and discover what is Unknown! Perfect
psychic assistance with scent!