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Divination Oil!

 Divination Oil!
Divination Oil!
Item# newitem267494481
Availability: Usually ships in 5-7 business days

Product Description

Traditional uses: Excellent meditation oil, discerning events surrounding you, fine tuning your creative visualization skills, forecasting using divination techniques & peace.

The plant, the herbe, the flower, the fruit and the stone: To divine your future, you call on the Ancestors! Respectfully asking for their help, petition them with your choice of plant, herbe, flowers, fruits and stones…vibe them up with the gros bon ange Divination ebo oil! When the bembe begins, oil yourself up with this ebo oil! Call the Ancestors!

In Voudou the ancient trance ceremony of dance calls upon the Iwa to come within and express wisdom, love and healing. Gros bon ange ebo (Divination Oil) has been blended with plants, herbes, flowers, fruits and stones to help you find your harmony with the Iwa .. it is a ceremonial ebo oil! Vibe it up!

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