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Eagle Medicine Oil

Eagle Medicine Oil - 5ml
Eagle Medicine Oil - 5ml
Item# newitem1263107032
Regular price: $15.95
Sale price: $12.00
Availability: Usually ships in 5-7 business days

Product Description

East, Our Springtime

Eagle Medicine Oil

Brother Eagle brings us an understanding of Spirit…

Brother Eagle flies to us from the East, promising the eternity of our Spirit in each sunrise. Creating a friendship with Eagle is the beginning place for acting with right intentions and good actions. Comprehending the relationship Indigenous American People share with the Animal Brothers and Sisters will open our heart. Making a connection with Eagle is a powerful alliance few of us earn. Yet, Eagle is a generous teacher to us all about Spirit and our path of Medicine making. Our journeys with Brother Eagle extend as far as the Star Nations and as close as understanding the gift of our own Spirit, the Divine within us. Eagle teaches us all about taking responsibility, accepting our own personal power. Flying with Eagle is daunting, accepting our life lessons and growing through them isn’t always an easy task. Eagle provides us with the example of courage and great heart under any conditions.

Eagle Medicine Oil is a useful resource when we are facing difficult times; Eagle reminds us that we’re likely facing some test of character towards our further growth…apply Eagle Oil in the evening and call upon Eagle to help you through your dreamtime with a noble guidance! Whenever you face a difficult situation, use Eagle Oil to find resolution and give you a courageous heart!

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