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Devil's Shoestring Oil - 5ml

Devil's Shoestring Oil - 5ml
Item# newitem1262989087
Availability: Usually ships in 5-7 business days

Product Description

DEVIL'S SHOESTRING OIL: (Viburnum alnifolium) MONEY LUCK INSPIRATION CANDLE MAGIC EMPLOYMENT This is a feminine plant under the guardianship of Uranus, influenced by the element of Fire. In the deep American south this root is the talisman of gamblers and mojo makers. Get the job you want! Win the Lotto! Banish poverty! Create and anoint with these traditional uses of Devil’s Shoestring. Its attracting Uranian influences inspire your resolve to accomplish the task at hand. A sliver of the root in each bottle infuses this oil for potency.

It’s wise to verbally ‘instruct’ your Devil’s Shoestring Oil on what you’re using it for as you charge and empower; thus ensuring success. Seeking the job you want or gaining positive attentions towards a raise….just tell it what to do for you! Infuse yourself with confidence to do whatever you must! Choose variously correspondent colored candles dressed with Devil’s Shoestring to provide you with a steady hum towards manifestation. Place your visual charge into green candles towards money or luck. Try pink or white candles to bring you inspiration and creative incentives. When you’re trying to move up along the ladder at work, pick a nice baby or dark blue candle to focus your visual message of advancements. Pick fortunate Uranian influences to assist you! Devil’s Shoestring is a potent assistant in manifesting candle work. Tell it what to do for you!


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