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Wheel of the Year Essences

Exploring & Celebrating Seasonality Within the SELF!
Just like our Earth Mother, we experience personal Seasonality. Cycles repeat themselves throughout our Earthwalk mirroring the Earth Mother’s: Birth, Growth, Death and Rebirth. A Witch knows how vital it is to maintain a balance with Mother Nature to ensure our emotional, physical and environmental well being. These cycles provide us with personal opportunity for self healing, self authority, expansion and needful grounding! Commemorating the seasons as ritual – celebrations called Sabbats, a Witch journeys in harmony with our Earth Mother, learning essential lessons about recycling birth, experience and death seasons in embracing Home as a template to guide each journey. We are stronger, healthier and more at ease with ourselves as we align to the seasons. Rituals of union, initiation, magical intention and energy set in between worlds fills the circle during the Sabbat.
Formulated for ceremonial and personal alignments with the cycles of Home, Wheel of the Year Essences are flower essence compositions to help initiate personal geocentric alignment, initiation into a season of personal re-balancing and to share celebration. Each Sabbat reflects a planetary and solar-cosmic gateway signaling the turn of a new season and cross quarter mark of the year in revolving planetary alignment. Celebrate each with subtle assistance, transcending in between worlds during specific solar-cosmic and planetary alignments in a harmonious approach to your personal fulfillment!
Wheel of the Year Essences offer you this special ‘gateways’ aligning in subtle, transcending quality during many planetary and personal growth aspects.
Apply them to ease retrograde and squared solar aspects. The essences enhance your positive astrological alignments. Keep in mind the solar-planetary magnetic field of influences triggering your ability to direct the subtle morphogenic fields surrounding you! Your Wheel of the Year Essences includes common everyday uses for healing and breakthroughs. Don’t hesitate to apply them using your intuition!
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