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Heru - Horus Oil

Heru - Horus Oil - 5ml
Heru - Horus Oil - 5ml
Item# newitem263753988
Availability: Usually ships in 5-7 business days

Product Description

HERU / HORUS: Egyptian – Horus the Elder, son of Isis & Osiris: The falcon headed origin of the Hero! As dutiful son he championed his father and protected his mother, he is thought to be the origin of the flying sky gods. He rose to a supreme prominence as the one who gained the power of Light and fertility over darkness and death. He is the source of the word ‘hero’, bringing the term to himself as the restorer of his father, Osiris (civilization).

Companions: Isis, Osiris, Ra, Ra Herakhty, the ShemHor, Har-sa-Iset, Horus the Younger, Set, Neith, Nepthys, the Ennead, falcons, hawks, papyrus, oak, nux vomica, lettuce, egg, sundisk, rubies, garnets, red jasper, bloodstone, iron and sulfur all resonate with Horus. Lotus, rosemary, black pepper, tobacco and juniper trees combine into a pungent, spicy odour of the sun filled sky in Horus Oil.

Ideals & Goals: Horus the Elder, Horus the Younger, all aspects of Heru reflect the noble, self sacrificing attributes of the true Hero. Anchored in the essence of every hero is loyalty to the self. To thine own self be true; the guidance of Horus.

Inspiring talents & skills: Pharaoh was the personification of Horus; true ruler over all Khem. Heru guides us in shepherding the community through transitions and troubles. Horus endows those individuals who will take the responsibility that others shy from.

Accomplishments: Restoration and rejuvenation!

Paradigm Shift skills: Horus’ ability of transformation quickens your capacity to transform the magnetic, planetary and solar energies of current next Great Year / Age of Aquarius. Call on him to assist you in merging with the new era!

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