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The Stone People's Lodge Oil

The Stone People’s Lodge Oil - 5ml
The Stone People’s Lodge Oil - 5ml
Item# newitem263105464
Regular price: $15.95
Sale price: $12.00
Availability: Usually ships in 5-7 business days

Product Description

The Stone People’s Lodge Oil

I come to meet my Spirit in the Lodge of the Stone People.

All things are sacred, and the tenders build the domed lodge of the Earth Mother’s womb to guide us into the place of this knowing. Outside, the tender digs the Fire pit with a vision of the eternal center of the Universe, the Great Mystery…this is the Home of the Stone People. From this Great Mystery into the center of the domed Lodge we offer the Stone People White Sage to purify, Green Cedar to clarify our mind, Sweetgrass to open our hearts and a gift of Tabacco to honor the presence of Spirit during the sweat lodge Inipi, our rebirth. Today my Medicine is Fire, burning away my doubt, my ego, my malady, my bad manitou…I learn to surrender. Today my intentions are what Great Spirit shows me because I’ve come Home.

The sweat lodge ceremony isn’t entered for the ‘experience’. There are several doors to pass through in your journey to understand and accept the sweat lodge. Inipi is approached over a course of months, with guidance. It is a privilege that carries a new realization of personal responsibility and actions. This is a powerful Traditional ceremony that humbles the body and mind allowing Spirit to fill your heart and guide your choices. Sweat lodge prepares us to hear the guidance of our Ancestors. All significant life choices are approached through it.

In honoring the Stone People’s Lodge we have created a blend made to assist you in cleansing body and mind through your Spirit. It penetrates your subtle bodies while it infuses your physical body to purify you of anger, mistrust, confusion, isolation, contempt and disrespect. While only your personal surrender can truly accomplish these tasks, this blend encourages you specifically towards this goal. Into the Stone People’s Lodge Oil we blended Sweetgrass, Cedar, White Sage, Clary Sage and a pinch of restoring Lavender flower. Use this oil to disperse confusion, to help you in regeneration of new life cycles, to remedy illness from your body and to make yourself ready for your Inipi ceremony. When you search for scentual help in the moment to vanquish a bad manitou, use Stone People’s Lodge for success.

{A documentary on A Sweat Lodge Ceremony. Learn about the entire process from beginning to end. More information or to attend one, please visit: http://www.iehinstitute.com Note: These are not Native American run sweats nor are they done in their traditional ways. If you wish to attend a Native American, traditional run sweat please look those up. The sweats in this video embrace & respect all belief systems, are gentle and nurturing & are for healing purposes. These are not warrior sweats where one needs to withstanding high heat at long intervals.}

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